I just had to take pictures today (because the sun finally came out) and post of all the yarn I've spun up this week. VERY picture heavy, so you've been warned. I have no idea the yardages yet, I'll figure that out once I wash and set the twist.
This first one is a part of the 5.5 pounds of fleece I got from the lady in Stillwater, in the Fiber Find of '07. It's an award winning Cotswold, beautiful dark brown/black. Spins like a dream and seems to be a worsted weight 3-ply. I'm going to be spinning the rest up and making some sort of blanket.
This one is again from the Fiber Find. I got a 1+ pound ball of the roving, as seem below. I'm going to guess that it's BFL or Merino. It's so soft and silky. It's such a beautiful yarn, and I still have so much left to spin. Again, a worsted weight 3-ply.
Next we have 3 ounces of an unknown wool I found in a thrift store with some yarns. I'm thinking about overdying it either red of blue, because with the grays it'll look so look so nice. Another worsted weight 3-ply. Sensing a theme here? :)
And last but not least, we have the weird roving that I didn't like when I dyed it, and now looks so pretty. It's BFL, about 4 ounces. Beautiful mauves and pinks, bright and drab greens, and the natural cream of the fiber. Another worsted 3 ply. It's sooooooo fluffy and pretty. I have another 4 ounce section of this roving to be spun up, and I hope it looks as good as this.