Friday, December 29, 2006

Ok, so work is still fun. had a little bit of a mix-up this first check though. For some reason Borders decided that instead of my new store here in MN, I worked for the old store in Ca. So.....they sent my check there instead. And than when we tried to fix that, they deposited my check into my OLD account in CA, which has been closed since April. I FINALLY got the damn thing today, a full week later. Thankfully the store has a policy where is payroll messes up, they give you a 70% advance, so I had money for gas and feed. Other bad thing is I'm now allergic to the hand soap and dish soap we use, so hands are all broken out and sore. :(

Oh, Scott has an ear infection and I have bronchitis. Ain't winter fun?

No knitting news cause I'm still trying to crochet my shawl. The pattern is working out pretty well so far. I hope to have it done in the next few weeks. *knock on wood*

Saturday, December 16, 2006

End of '06


Have you had any relationships this year?
Yes I got married to my wonderful husband this year. Had my beautiful baby boy

Have you had your birthday yet?

Seen Happy Feet yet?
Not yet but want to

Pulled an all nighter?
Oh yeah

Drank Starbucks?
Please, I work for Seattle's Best Coffee

Went Camping?

Bought something(s)?
Of course

Met someone special?
Does my son count?

Been out of state?
Even moved out of it

Gone Snowboarding?
hell no

What are you thinking about?
Warm food downstairs and no work for 2 days. Time to spend with Scott and J

Have you...

Hugged someone?

Slept in someone else's bed?
In a few different places lately

Drank any alchohol?
in moderation

Loaned out money?
Have none to lend

Gotten in a car accident?
thumper bumper

Gone over your cell phone bill?
umlimited in-network calling

Been called a whore?

Done something you regret?

Last Person you hugged?
baby boy

Last Person to call you?
my husband

When was the last time you felt stupid?
At work today, forgot what I was making

Who was the last person you danced with?
Baby boy

Who did you last yell at?

What did you do today?
Went to work, came home

Barstow, CA, than the OC, and now the Twin Cities in MN

Natural hair color?


Hair style?
Shortish straight

eye color?



mentally exhusted

Where would you rather be?
curled up in bed with my husband and son

Last thing you drank?


Have you ever been in love:
yes I am deeply in love now

Do you believe in love?

Why did your LAST relationship fail?
Cause he was an ass who did something he was ashamed of and got courts marshaled

Have you ever been heartbroken?

Have you ever broken someone's heart:
hope not

Have you ever fallen for your best friend?

Have you ever loved someone but never told them?

Are you afraid of commitment?

Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships this year?
hell no


Are you missing someone right now?
mom, sister, niece, and all the CA peoples

Are you happy?

Are you eating anything?

Do you love someone right now?
hopelessly in love with my husband and son

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Ok, first day at work, job still as i remembered it, so still liking it. Man do my legs hurt though, 8 hours on them really hurts. missed Scotty, and he missed mommy too if the way i got those cute shrieks and "kisses" (read as opening mouth and licking you) are any indication.

Off to make dinner cause I want j to have a little break, he's playing house husband right now. Toods to all

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Ok, things are getting better now. I got the job back that the car made me lose, so I start Tuesday. I'm happy about it because it's the same job I had before I got fat (read with child) and I like the job, plus I like the perks. Come on, when you spend over a grand on books in 9 months and that's at 33% off, you know a person likes to read. I need all the help I can get in that area. Now just gotta find a daycare person so when J goes back to work theres someone to watch the munchkin.

On the Scotty front, I can't believe he's already 6 months!!! Where did my little baby boy go. All that's here now is a little man who rolls around in circles and chatters away at me. Plus, you should see him eat, he loves his food. So far just apples, carrots, and peas and the normal rice cereal, but still, he just ate 4 oz of cereal and wanted more.

On the note from my SP, I wanna know what the heck you ordered from Germany for me. This waiting is gonna kill me, I just know it! Can't wait anymore, and I hate surprises, just ask J. I tickle them all out of him as fast as I can. Hmmm, maybe I'll try and tickle this one out of him too. *insert evil cackle here*

Thursday, December 07, 2006

'Nother survey thingie

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate, made with dark
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Depends on the mood I'm in
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?Colored on tree, none on house
4. Do you hang mistletoe? No
5. When do you put your decorations up? Sometime in December.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Big slab of roast beef (I know that's gross, but I'm being honest).
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Getting the "rock" My turtle
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? What, you mean Santa's not the UPS man???
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Not now - but as a kid we were allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve - probably just to shut us up.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? With all the things from kidhood, not sure now, cause they are at mom's house and i'm not
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Ask me again in March
12. Can you ice skate? Only in the most abstract sense.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Wiggles!! So he was early, who cares
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? whatever is made, usually fudge
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? me cooking all day
17. What tops your tree? No tree this year, maybe next when we have our own place
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? both
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? don't have one
20. Candy Canes...yummy, me want some, but not until the 15th, that's the rule

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

When it rains.....

Well, when it rains it pours so they say. I think it's true. First off, thanks to everyone who commented or emailed me to tell me it's gonna get better, all I can say is you don';t know how much it means to have people who've never met me do that. And it's gotta get better, I hate to think it can get any worse than it is now. Jay (hubby) went to work Monday night (cause he works nights for UPS) and was fired because of the car problems and missing the week of work. Never you mind that he'd called his supervisor EVERY night to keep her updated, and called in on the UPS line as well. We're trying to figure out why they couldn't just can him on Sunday night when he went it, instead of waiting a night. So now there's a grevince filed against them with the union and we're waiting to see how willing they are to pay attention to the laws. Minnesota has one of those nifty ones where if the fired person demands their check it has to be given to them in under 24 hours, or they have to pay the regular daily wage until they pay up. Going on day 2 in a few hours.

But good things happened, have health coverage again, so I can go and get new glasses (FINALLY) so I can see. I started crocheting a pineapple shawl and can't see what I'm doing cause it's in size 10 cotton and without my glasses I'm just this side of legally blind. can still knit though, so I'm knitting a Bog Jacket from Knitting Around (Elizabeth Zimmermann). I love her patterns.

Here I go off to squint some more. Best wishes to all, and happy holidays!

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I'm finally home again in Minnesota, got in last night. Our car is still dead though, we just went up to the in-laws house and they signed over my hubby's old car, it's only a year newer than the caddy but has the same miles on it, so by no means a new car. I don't care though, it's got wheels and runs. The worst thing about this trip, we left Chicago on Thursday, made it just past a town called Mauston in Wisconsin, and it died again. My other father-in-law helped us by putting $1,800 into this POS and it still died. So the step-FIL (weird family I know) drove down from middle of MN to resuce us and drive us back to their place, 6 house one way.

But home and checking up on messages left for me. If anything is weirdly typed, it's cause Scott kicked off my glasses and broke them, so I can barely see. Never again am I going on a long car trip in my own car, I'm renting for ever more.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The car from hell

Ok, I take it back, the drive was nothing compared to what is up now. I live in Minnesota right, so what the hades am I doing trapped in Illinois??? I'll tell you why, because the POS car that we have is currently broken and no one can seem to figure out what is wrong with it. So I'm just lucky that the hubby has fmaily right outside of Chicago that is nice enough to put us up and help us pay for the already more than $1,000 in repairs. All I can say is this trip offically SUCKS big fat monkey balls. Sorry, speaking like my brother there but you get the idea. I barely got to spend time with my family in MI, and now I can't get back to MN to start my new job, Yep, that's right, I have a job in MN to go back to now and I can't get there. And Jay has already missed 3 days of work since we've been here since Saturday night and he was due back Sunday, so this paycheck will be so small that we'll be lucky to have money for gas for that week. I feel like screaming but it would do no good, so I will just eat chocolate.

On a craft note, rescued lots of yarn from the family's house and all my needles and hooks. Plus some books, so at least I have something to do while I'm here. But still, worrying about money for the next 2 weeks, we can't pay rent for next month now cause we had to pay to have the car towed 90 miles back to dad's house, not to mention trying to help pay for the repairs (ha, so can't do that) so it looks like everyone gets an inexpensive present for x-mas. I'm thinking scarves cause I got enough yarn from mom's for those, and of course pictures of Scotty cause I got lots of free prints from McDonalds with that monopoly thing they do.

Off to rescue the baby from Daddy. Thanks for the rant.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The drive from HELL

For all those with little kids and haveing to make a long trip with them, I'm sorry. I just spent 13 house driving from St Paul MN, to Kalamazoo, MI with a 5 month old little boy who was not happy about it. ACK, I have to do it again in a few days. NONONONONOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Happy turkey day everyone, may it be full of good food.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Here there be dragons

I just have to mention this amazing lace shawl called Here there Be Dragons. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!

I just love knitting lace anyway, and someday I'll get this pattern and make it. YUMMY!

Friday, November 17, 2006

One Word Meme

One Word Meme.

The only rule? Only one word.

1. Yourself: crazy

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): wonderful

3. Your hair: bleh

4. Your mother: friend

5. Your father: absent

6. Your Favorite Item: chocolate

7. Your dream last night: naughty

8. Your Favorite drink: pepsi

9. Your Dream Car: Mini

10. The room you are in: Computer

11. Your Ex: lair

12. Your fear: alone

13. What you want to be in 10 years? me!

14. Who you hung out with last night? Baby

15. What You’re Not? normal

16. Muffins: rapsberry

17. One of Your Wish List Items: house

18. Time: enemy

19. The Last Thing You Did: cooked

20. What You Are Wearing: jeans

21. Your Favorite Weather: fall

22. Your Favorite Book: thriller

23. The Last Thing You Ate: chicken

24. Your Life: changing

25. Your Mood: depressed

26. Your best friend: Husband

27. What are you thinking about right now? Scott

28. Your car: old

29. What are you doing at the moment? typing

30. Your summer: moved

31. Your relationship status: love

32. What is on your TV? CSI

33. What is the weather like? FREEZING!!!!!!!!

34. When is the last time you laughed? now!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Just to those who read this on a regualr basis (So I'm thinking one or two only) if it takes me a little while to get posts up I'm sorry. The living situation here in Minnesota is not that ideal right now. To put it frankly I hate where we are and who we are living with and wish I was someplace on my own with hubby/baby but we can't afford it so I'm stuck living with the evil bitch until we can. Rents here are 500 for a studio and that's almost 2/3's of the monthly pay so you can see where we are screwed. Until that happens I'm using the computers at the libiary.

Just spinning and knitting and trying to ingore the world. But it's not working. Maybe someday soon it'll happen.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Herbert Niebling

I have decided that if I can ever get my grubby little paws on one of the patterns by Herbert Niebling that I will love whomever got it for me for ever and ever. his work is amazing and would peob. drive me up the wall, but I want it so baddly.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Woo Hoo

I just spent the weekend up at the mother-in-law's house and belive it or not, we didn't have a single fight or disagreable word between us the whole time. Maybe this will work out after all.

Feel like crap though cause a) got food poisining and b) fell fown the stairs and wacked my back a lot where I had broken it before when I was a little girl. Go sore and still a little icky feeling.

Scotty loves his grandma and grandpa, and they love him back. At least I know better than to try and tell them not to spoil him so much. They only get the first grandkid once, let them enjoy it. :)

More to come later.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lesson for the day

Here's my lesson learned for the day. Never, and may I stress this again NEVER try and do something stupid like plying silk from a center pull ball. It's sheer stupidity to attempt it. Thank the gods that I married a boy scout type person who loves to untie knots, or it would still be a tangled mess on the coffee table. So, no 6 ply silk yarn for me, I'll stick with making either 3 or 9, cause I like crocheting a chain and twisting that. Is it sad when 9 ply yarn is still only fingering weight??? Spinning silk on a drop spindle is fun, but spinning soy is more fun. Like wook but easier.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bad blogger

I've been a bad little blogger lately. I haven't kept people up to date on the new life here in MN..

Yep, offically in MN, and it's cold and wet. We had a little snow, but it went away. :(

Scott is doing great, he's got the sniffles but is his normal cute self. J is working at UPS, nights (ICK) but it's got full benefits for all of us, so I suffer. Still having peoblems with the MIL, but that's life.

People can email me at if they wanna chat or find out more.


Thursday, October 12, 2006


Here's the SP9 questionaire for whomever is going to be spoiling me. Thanks in advance for all the fun I'll be having!

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? Wool, cotton, and silk are the favotites. I don't like many man-made ones, but am willing to try anything
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? Whatever is handy.....usually a little bag I have for spindles
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? Intermediate to advanced. Been knitting 10 years after a teacher in HS tought me
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? nope, but if you ask I can tell you things I covet
5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) carnations are the fav flower, and honeysuckle. I have asthma though, so I tend to stay away from scents
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? Chocolate, and blue pixi sticks
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, tatting (needle). All spinning is so far done on a spindle, no wheel yet
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) No rap, anything else is pretty much fair game. Yep, I have an Ipoop
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand? Blues, greens, russet reds, greys. Please, for all that's holy, no pinks unless they are a dusky rose color. Anything else makes me look bleh
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? Hubby of almost 6 months, son of just over 4 months. No pets
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Yes to all but ponchos
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? shawls and lacey things
13. What are you knitting right now? shawl, 2 sweaters for baby, sweater for hubby
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? yes, love them
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? circular or DP's (aii I have in DP's are a set of 3's and 4's) Bamboo/wood, or metal
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?nope to both
17. How old is your oldest UFO?about a year
18. What is your favorite holiday?haloween and christmas/winter
19. Is there anything that you collect?rubber duckies and weird stuffed critters. Oh, and yarn and patterns
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? Addi turbos, silk yarns/rovings/caps. Strange fibers to spin
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? nope
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?nope, wear a size 7 shoe, and size 4-9 socks
23. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) 10/06 Just missed it

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Thanks again!!!!!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Oh My God!!!

Ok, first there were the chocolates and the cute little hat and socks for Scott. Than the ducks and the lovely roving and yarns. But dear secret pal, or as she has told me that she is called Val, you have so outdone yourself. This last week has been a little bleah because dumb me forgot to pack yarn and all my roving had been mailed to me. Well roving arived today, and than your package. Let me say again, oh my god!!!!!!! Here's the rundown of what Val ssent to me, and you can decide if she's the bestest in the world.

  • An utterly adorable sweater for Scott
  • A matching teddy bear for Scott, both can be seen on her blog here
  • A big skein of mid-weight wool in bright blues and mauves
  • another skein of wool, this time yellow and green and brown sock weight
  • 2 skeins of Jaggerspun in their cassis (a dusky rose) to use with the following item
  • The Peacock Feathers Shawl pattern from FiddleSticks Knitting
  • A pair of Addi Turbos to knit the shawl (dream item)

If this wasn't enough, and for me it was so much more than I could have hoped for when I signed up for SP8, there was also a $25 gift certificate for White Lies Designs, the website I have drooled over for about 3 years now. I kid you not, I started to cry when I saw the envelope there in the package. All this generosity from a total stranger. Val, I can only hope that your partner was as generous to you as you were to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Well, I am going off line for a while. For those not in the know, I'm moving from S. CA fo MN on the 29th so I'm finishing up the packing and than of course the move and setteling in itself. I'll let y'all all know when I'm settled back in out there.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Scotty Update

I just have to say this (and I don't really mean it, but you'll all know what it's like)

Hospitals SUCK. That being said, I have just spent the last 8 days, over 2 visits, with my little 10 week old son. Scott stoped breathing last Friday morning and so we went to Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) and they did a whole battery of tests, decided he was stable cause he didn't stop breathing at the hospital, and sent us home withOUT a monitor. I didn't speel for 2 days/nights because hubby works nights and so I was home along with the baby and hubby sleeps in the days so I was caring for the baby. Tuesday night he stopped breathing again, and so back to CHOC for more tests and strange as it may sound, happily he had an episode there at the hospital. So a monitor was sent home with us tonight when we got to come home. Now I have the "joyfull" chore of getting the rest of my stuff packed up for my move to St. Paul MN on the 29th. Good news is hubby no longer has to work nights, last night was his last. WOOHOO!

In knitting news, I have made a fingerless glove. Yes, not a pair, a single glove. It's cute but I ned to find a way to tighten up the wrist. And I FINALLY got GOL. It only took 3 ordering trys from Borders where I used to work before they were able to get me a copy.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I hate hospitals.

Scott stopped breathing on friday morning (he started again thankfully) and I have just spent the last 60 hours at CHOC trying to find out what's wrong. Damn doctors have no idea, so here we are, home again. I don't think I'll ever sleep again, I'll just be watching him to make sure he's still breathing. They could have sent us home with a monitor but nooooooo, insurance says that he's medically stable and there's no need. Well, fuck them.

Sorry, a little wound up, stressed out, and all the other emotions that come with not being able to really hold your baby and walk with him when he's tired and wanting to be at home, not the hospital. Poor kid barely slept the entire time, every time he drifted off he would get woken up by someone wanting to check his vitals or a noise from the other bed, or the hall, or whatever. Slept 18 hours straight on release, barely woke up to eat and get changed in that time period.

Poor munchkin.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Baby Shots

WAAAA, my baby hurts and I can't do anything about it. *SNIFF*

Scotty had 5, yes that's 5, shots today and the poor little tyke isn't a happy camper. I can't blame him, his legs are all swollen at the shot sites and he's got a slight temp. I feel like a bad mommy cause all I can do is give hugs and kisses and can't make the pain go away.


Monday, July 31, 2006

Niece Update

Well, Kitty is fine. Sorry for the lag in posting this, but she was released on Thursdat evening. The doctors decided it was an ubstructed bowel and cleared that and now she's all better. Reason for the lag in on my way home from visiting her that day a damn bus driver shut the door on my leg! I just can't get a break can I?

Leg is major sprained and might be muscle tear in the quad, not sure yet. Have fun y'all.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Need good thoughts

Yesterday morning about 3:30am my 3.5 year old niece went into the hospital with what they thought was apendexcitis (can't spell, sorry). Than they thought it was gull stones and that the gull bladder would have to be removed. Now they have no damn idea what's up. She seems to be ok, but only as long as she doesn't streighten up. The temp she had when she went in has gone back down, so I am at wits end.

Please, She needs all the prayers, good thoughts, wiccan charms or whatever you believe in that she can get. I'm hoping that the doctors can figure out today what's wrong with "my" little girl, since she calls me daddy.

She was saying last night that she was all better and wanted to come home with her little cousin, but since she also said she wouldn't admit if it still hurt if she could come got a smile and a laugh but she's still there at the Children's Hospital.

Needless to say, I'll keep y'all posted. Please keep her in your thoughts. If you'd like to see pictures they are at .

Thanks everyone

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just Ducky!

Woohoo!!! SP8 pal came through again. No pictures as of yet, but soon to come. First off, a pattern for a lovely crocheted scarf, and of course the yarn and hook (bamboo!!!) to make it. A lovely brown, the color of a finely malted scotch in Apalca and silk. MMMMM

Than some roving in a beautiful dark green with greys and browns. Plus some things to make my feel all nice and pretty (something they sorely need since the baby was born). Add a punching pumpkin pen and other halloween things in a little tote bag and you have the makings of a party.

But the best, and this even tops the chocolates from last time, RUBBER DUCKS!!

I don't think I let slip my love of rubber duckies, but she (?) sure figured it out. There's a duckie on a keychain, a luau duckie, a regular squirting duckie, a flipping duckie, a big stress ball type duck, and best of all, a duckie on a chain to wear on my neck.

I'm quackers!! :)

Thanks Secret Pal!!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

bad blogger

Ok, I'm a bad blogger. Just trying to recover from my MIL's visit. She left and 2 days later the FIL landed (seperated of course). Just when you thought it was safe to relax......... ATTACK OF THE INLAWS!

*sigh* back to sleeping and watching my oh so cute son and hating the hubby's job where he works nights. :(

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Le Tour De Fleece

Well the Le Tour de Fleece started today, and I plan on spinning a merino/soy blend (at least 2 ounces) on my drop spindle. I know it's not a big challenge for almost a month of time, but I have a newborn, so cut me some slack. :)

Off to spin some up, wish me luck. I'm planning on a 3 ply lace to sock weight when I'm done. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's done!

It's DONE!!! The SOD (otherwise known as Shawl of Death) has been cast off and stretched within an inch of it's life. A mother and a half to block it, it's pinned to a full sized futon with a small army of safty pins, but it's done. I figure it'll be dry in an hour after blocking, since it's 90+ degrees right now, and nothing for humidty.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The not perks of mommyhood

You know that the honeymoon of mommyhood is over when at 2am in the morning you're trying not to cry your eyes out because the baby won't sleep, even though he's been up for 3 hours now. He's not hungry, I offer him a boob and he just sits there looking at me like I'm the biggest idiot in the world. He doesn't need to be changed, he doesn't need burping, he doesn't want to be held, and he doesn't want to sleep obviously. Nevermind that I've been nursing him for the last 2 hours. If he wasn't so darn cute and if I didn't love him so much I'd threaten him with adoption right about now. But instead I'm out here typing and he's laying in his crib, thankfully 2 rooms apart with just a monitor between us. Mommy needed some time and space before she flipped and broke down. Now if mommy could just get some sleep, all would be well. Or if I hadn't just brushed my teeth, than I could eat some chocolate and see if that made me feel a bit better. This is where having a hubby that works nights sucks, cause the other people in the house are all sleeping and aren't any help to me either, right now.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, it may be only June, but feels like Christmas to me for sure! I got my SP8 box today from my pal, and belive me, WOW.

Those little green things there in the front are a pair of baby socks for my little angel, and a matching hat. I was tempted to try them on him, but it's over 85 in my house right now and I'm not that mean to put wool on him in this. I love the hat, which my partner did a little trick with the ribbing, it looks like leaves.

Next is a skein of sock wool from Lisa Souza, in the coolst colorway. It's browns, blues (which you can't really see in the picture), with a little bit of orange and olive green thrown in for good measure. So soft, and superwash merino, which means that I don't have to be so uber careful with the washing. The Betty doesn't like blocking and handwashing much, so this is a godsend. Or in this case, a partner send. :)

And since I was warned that she was planing on spoiling baby Scott, an adorable baby photo album (something I didn't have yet, so again, perfect!)

But the best, has of course been saved for last. CHOCOLATE!!! Just smelling these is great, I can't wait to actually eat one. But which to eat first? That's the real question. Maybe I should wait until the hubby gets home and ask him........but why?

Thanks to my secret partner, You're amazing!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

All's well

Well, Baby Scott and mommy are home and doing great. He was born at 1:53 pm Friday the 9th, weighing in at 5 pounds 12 ounces, and length of 18 inches. Seems soooooooo tiny, but he was 2 weeks early. Mommy is up and moving, slowely, but it's the thought that counts. I can't get enough of watching the little tyke sleep, nor watching his daddy sleep with him either. If there was ever a guy to take to being a daddy, it's Jay (hubby). Here's a lint to a few pictures, and progress updates will be posted. Pictures can be seen at

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Well, just to let you ladies (and few guys) know, this kid now has a deadline. I'm having a c-section tomorrow (friday) at 1pm. So please think happy thoughts, cause I'm scared out of my mind right now. I'll have people post pictures when they get home tomorroe night, cause no one can resist a baby. :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Ok, officially in labor now. What a pain, since it's 95 degrees!!!!!

Wish me luck.

nvm, labor decided it was too hot to happen. *SIGH*

Sunday, May 28, 2006

When will it happen??

Ok, seriously, how can doctors be so strange? I'm 36 weeks along, in LABOR, and the doctor decides to give me a shot to stop it because the baby isn't term yet. While this is going on, in the bed next to me the lady is being induced at 35 weeks, and is a paitent of the same doctor. Neither of our babies are in distress, but she gets to have it over and I don't.

Sorry, just ranting, and I have bored to death everyone here in the house, so welcome to the bitch fest here on CCCC.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Proof I'm nuts

Here's proof I'm nuts. I'm carding soy silk and merino wool together using cat slicker brushes. Yep, those little tiny things. And this isn't small amounts either, we're talking 8 oz of EACH!. I figure it's something to do between knitting bouts, since I can only work a few rounds at a time on the shawl of death, hence refered to as the SOD. Still in the 576 section, about 12 rows now. It can go up to 96, but I don't think I'll need to go that far. 6 rows makes an inch on each side, and the edging I'm going to use will add some width as well. I'm thinking about overdying it to a more verigated color, but not sure yet. depends on how it looks when blocked with the edging.

Oh well, time to start getting ready to go see the nice doctor lady, where we get to talk about too dreaded words. C-section and induction. As a perk I'll get to see the baby in an ultrasound, and it means he might come out sooner, but I'd rather he be ready.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm knitting again, got out of the little "no knit" funk. Had to frog all the way back to the beginning of the 576 stitch section. I didn't like the way that the pattern was coming along so I thought to myself "oh well, I have all this time, let's change it again". 16 rows, but that's knitting for ya. Sooner or later I'll take some pictures of it as it is now. Here's some from way back.

I crocheted the center of it, cause I HATE using DP needles and didn't like the ladder effect I was getting from the magic loop trick. I dyed the yarn myself, using KnitPicks Paint Your Own in the laceweight. I like it a lot, very nice soft yarn, and the color is a sort of robin egg/wode blue with ever so slight color changes.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Just so I don't lose it

My mind that is, until I can find out how to add this to my links, check out Stitchy McYarnpant's blog. Super funny and my kind of person. No idea who she is, but still.

On the knitting front, I HAVE to take a break from the Mystery Pi KAL, cause I'm going batty. As proof I've started to crochet an umbrella top in a lace pattern. I think I'll be back to knitting soon. Also sewing a ton of clothes for my mum and making her and my great-gran drop spindles (and painting the roving for them to learn to spin with too).

6 weeks and change until the due date. Any ideas when it'll come out?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Well, I have to post this for a secret pal thingie I'm in, so in case anyone else out there cares. :)

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? I like wool, cotton and silk. There's no fiber I don't like, but I have met them all yet.

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? For my interchanagable ones, the case they came in, the rest go in a shoebox in their little bags. Hooks are in their case, and a few M&M mini tubes. They fit perfectly in the jumbo ones if they are steel.

3. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? Knitting for about 10 years, consider myself, and considered by others as advanced. Just started lace knitting.

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Nope, too dangerous.

5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.) None really, allergic to perfumes.

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? CHOCOLATE

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin? Crochet, spinning (drop spindle for now, getting a wheel), needle tatting, beadwork, sewing costumes (think ren faire).

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) Anything but rap and gospel. 'Puter can do it, so can a CD player and my MP3 player. Country and classic rock is my favorite.

9. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand? Blues and greens are good, so are russet type reds. Please, no pinks or baby blues. After 7 months being preggers I can't stand either color.

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? Married, kid on the way. Living with family until we can get a place of our own. Cats in the house, but not mine.

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? If it's cold enough I will, and lacey scarves and ponchos year round. They're pretty. :)

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Shawls, scarves in interesting patterns, lace, baby stuff. I haven't tried a doily yet, but might do that next

13. What are you knitting right now? A mystery Pi shawl (see farther down for more info) as a Mother's Day Present for my new MIL (more likely to get it for when the kid is born in June), both in lace weight wool yarn.

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Like nothing better

15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Circular, since I lose straight needles. All I have now are aluminum needles and the pair of plastic 13's I learned to knit on. Gotta take what I can get out here.

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? That's what I use my mother for, she loves to ball yarn. Sucker

17. How did you learn to knit? A sub-teacher taught me one day in High School. Best thing I ever learned.

18. How old is your oldest UFO? I try to finish everything when I can, or I'll discover I no longer want to make it and fron for something new. So really, no UFO's hovering around.

19. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween, for the candy and the joy of trying to force my niece in the costume she's been wanting to wear for 3 weeks and now can't stand the sight of.

20. Is there anything that you collect? Rubber duckies of all shapes/sizes, weird looking stuffed animals, books, yarn, patterns.

21. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? Some of the patterns from, Addi Turbos (can't find them at a LYS and hate buying online)

22. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Can't think of any, always learning

23. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Not that crazy yet, give me time. Thinking about trying that next.'s foot sized, what more can I say. I wear a size 7 womans shoe if that helps, and wear the socks that fit a size 4-8 (I think that's what the last bag I got said)

24. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) October 6th

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Shawl Update

Here's an update on the Mystery Pi Knit Along that I'm doing. I just started the 576 stitch section and am very pleased with how it is looking. I admit that somehow I made some mistakes with counting and such in the last rows, but I like how it looks so I'm calling it a desgin element. Can't be a mistake if I like it can it?

I'm also checking out spinning wheels because I hope to start spinning soon. Should be an interesting thing to try. I've been using a drop spindle for years and can get a nice fine single on it, so I want something faster. I haven't the time to wait, there's fiber to be spun and yarn to knit and crochet. :)

On the baby front, 8 weeks to go, just 55 short little days until baby Scott's due date. Course that doesn't mean bugger all on when he'll get here, but hopefully he'll not want to make an apperance for 4 more weeks. Tomorrow his daddy and I are getting married, so he'll get to be in the pictures for that, as the bluge. Despite how I sound, I am estatic about both the baby and the wedding. Hungry too, gotta go eat.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


About bloody time here, my mum FINALLY got her disaility approved. 27 months back payments will be made to her in 2 checks, as well as the monthly payments. All I can say is I'm happy that my mum has a decision, and now maybe the doctors will figure out what's wrong. Imangine getting a favorable ruling without a diagnosis of what's wrong, that seems like a good coup to me.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Knitting a shawl

I started knitting a shawl today, a lace Pi shawl. For those not familure with the Pi, it's a round shawl with interesting increaces, making for a great thing. This one is like those old Choose Your Own Adventure Books, we're given a few different choices per section and it's a free for all. Really fun, I'll post pictures as I get farther along. Anyone interested in joining can check out the group at

alt="Click here to join EZasPi" />
Click to join EZasPi

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My son, Scott Wayne at 24 weeks. Due date is guessed for around June 24th. I kinda hope he comes out a little eariler (just a week or so) so I can sleep on my tummy again. Selfish I know, but I don't care, I wanna good nights sleep!!!!!

This is me

Well, this is me, just plain ol' me. I'd say little but getting fatter by the day here. And to the next person who tells me it's not fat, I have a big present for you, it's getting to take care of my son once he decides to show up in this crazy world. Gee, don't you feel special? Just 11 more weeks now, and feels like 11 months.

Ok, I knit, crochet, nag my family about dinner suggestions, needle tat, I just started spinning on a drop spindle while I wait and save for a real spinning wheel. I also read, do the movie thing, listen to all kinds of music, and cook a lot.

Planning on getting married beginning of next month, to my wonderful boyfriend and back massuse. Otherwise I sit at home right now and halp watch my niece drive my sister up the wall and laugh when she talks cause she's sooooooo CUTE!!!