I realized just how long it's been since I've posted anything here. Sorry, life has been interesting, and since certain people who don't deserve a mention here actually know my blog address (and attempt to post rude comments as "anonymous") I've chosen to remain silent as i try to put my world together again. While my world isn't whole by any means, it's no longer shattered into a million pieces.
Scott is still with
them. Not for good, but until J can get a job and a place of his own. To that end J's back in MN because he couldn't get a place in CA, and for 8 months he was here in Michigan looking. Since I think even aliens in outerspace know the economy situation in MI you can see why he's now in MN again. Our friend Chris is back safe and whole from the sandbox in the Middle East, where he's been the past year with his National Guard unit. He's trying to get J a job with the security company he works for.
Scott is growing so fast. He had to have a circumcision in February because the foreskin wasn't stretching to accommodate him as he was growing up. We'd tried to have it done when he was a newborn but the Dr wanted him to see an urologist first and we couldn't get an appointment before we moved to MN, and in Mn the insurance wouldn't cover it, as it wasn't necessary. It was necessary in Feb. I was so scared, because at Scott's age now he had to go under a general anesthesia and I couldn't afford to make the trip to be with him. It was go then or go for court on March 18th. Scott's all better now, is fully potty trained, and is learning to read.
We had court in November, and it was ordered that Scott stay in the state and we could only "visit" for Thanksgiving and Christmas. All visits had to be supervised and we didn't even get the schedule for visitation until the day the Thanksgiving one ended. In November J and I only got a few hours with Scott, but we tried to make the best of it. Even then we had to be supervised.
Couldn't afford to go to MN to spend Christmas with him, especially since I'd been told I wasn't allowed in any of the family's houses, so I would have had to get a hotel room for the visit. Christmas without Scott was a dreary day. I wanted to wrap myself up in the blanket and sleep the day away.
We went back to court in March, on Kathy's day. In the end we came to a settlement with them, in that 6 months if J has a job and a place of his own Scott will be integrated back into his dad's house. I'm crossing my fingers that it doesn't take that long. J actually has Scott for a whole week right now, so I'll be able to call and talk to Scott without having a panic attack.
We got to spend 4 days with Scott when we were up there in March. It's amazing how much he's grown in this last year. He's gone from the toddler that he was to a little person. He talks so clearly and is such a sweet, kind, and caring boy. He says he's a "medium boy". Not small, little, or big; just a medium boy. and I are knitting him a sweater for next winter. I wove scarves for us all in November and I was told he never wanted to take his off. They were all woven from the same handspun. I've knit socks for him, the first pair he wore a hole in the toes super fast, because he wouldn't take them off.
On my end there's new stuff but it sucks. I'm having lots of muscle tremors, shaking, and vertigo. My dr is testing me for something that I don't want to say right now. I'm not sure if I'd rather it be the mystery condition, or to just be a mystery. Is it better to know or to wonder?I don't know. I'm still knitting, crocheting, and spinning when I can. I got a job as a contract spinner for a wonderful company. They pay me to spin cashmere, and I don't have to buy the fiber. Come on, it's the perfect job. I still send in samples to the Phat Fiber boxes a few times a year.
I promise to post more often. Comments are still moderated, because I really don't want comments from
them on here. I was actually accused of writing, and I quote, "Slanderous things on my blog." Tell me what's wrong with that and I'll send you a cookie.