Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy dance

I got a package from me secret pal today, and nearly burst out in tears. She got me a little loom to weave on. I really shouldn't call it little, since it's 20 inches square. Sooooooo happy. I'll be posting a picture in a day or so, Scott has made off with my USB cable again for the camara. I'm already warping the loom. *happy dance*

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yeah, yeah

I know, 2 posts in 1 day, what's the world coming to?

I got my ravelry invite today. *bounce*bounce*bounce*

Off to put all my projects and yarns in

Yarns will be the fun part

Hippity Hop

I'm actually knitting right now, ain't it great? I'm making stuffed bunnies for my SP11 partner. Ok, they're not for her, but for her little girls. I just haven't found a pattern for sweaters that goes from newborn size to 4t. So bunnies it is. What little girl can resist a stuffed toy anyway? I know that my niece can't. The little wench has stolen all of my stuffed critter collection. I'm also making a baby blanket for her new bairn Gaelic for baby) who's not even here yet. Thank the gods that they know what gender the baby is, makes it easier on me. It's going to be pink and black, a very classic color combo that brings to mind Channel clothes. Just black trim mind you.

Other than that, J and I are learning Scots Gaelic and it's going pretty well. Ok, I can write it and understand, but still can't pronounce it easily.

Scott WALKS!!!!! Yes, he's off and walking, not all the time, and not for long, but he's a walker now. Woohoo!! Please remind me in a few months when I whine that he won't stay in one place that I was happy about this.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Update time

So Scott is almost walking. He'll walk if you hold out something he wants and bribe him. Excepting I'm not calling it bribing, it's positive re-enforcement. Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. He doesn't want to do it cause you want him to, but he will when he wants something. He's so cute, 11 teeth, and one that just doesn't want to break free and join the rest. He's 15 months now and has been up at Grandma's all weekend visiting his Auntie Bekah before she goes off to Iraq. There's something to be said about the mental state of J's family, she volunteered. But after a year there she gets to spend 2 years in England. Lucky wench.

As for me, the dr's say I'm depressed and anxious. In the words of my generation DUH! Tell me something I didn't know. PT is going ok, makes me sore and tired after it's over, pretty much for the rest of the day too. I need to talk to my primary care doc and get something for the days when nothing helps the pain. I don't need it all the time like my mom is doing, but when it's bad I want something.

Spinning silk right now for a birthday present for a friend of mine. I have found someone who knits, crochets, spins, weaves, and does all these beautiful dresses in the ren faire style. It's a match made in heaven friendship wise, because I also like her hubby to be and his daughter and they all like J and Scott. Woohoo!!

Other than that, not much is going on, planning on spoiling my SP11 partner, and sending messages to both the spoiler and spoilee lately. I'm also learning how to speak Scots Gaelic, which should be interesting.