Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm still here, Promise

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. I've been busting me butt to make sure I got Scott's Stocking done in time to mail. And I seemed to have managed it. I can't embroider worth a damn, but it's done, and would make a killer knee sock for me. Scott's only requirements were "It be green right?" and "It be LONG!" Yes, he's that cute. So, his long green stocking, with mommy's crummy dot matrix printing on it.
Since I couldn't just let him have a stocking from Mommy (due to our ex roommate I'm cash strapped until his mangy butt moves out of the apartment and gets the deposit back for me) I also made him his own little Loch Ness Monster. Isn't Nessie the cutest? Best yet (in my yarn needs) she matches his stocking, so I know the wee laddie will like it. J has assured me that Scott will like Nessie, but I have worries. I know they are grounds less worries. You may notice my Nessie doesn't have the horn things that the pattern suggests, but I feel that she didn't need them.

Growing up we had this little lucite block with a LNM in it, and she didn't have horns. We still have that one in the curio cabinet, and I still love to look at her.

So, now that I'm not cranking out the presents for Scott what am I doing? Well, I'm making presents for other family members, but since they don't have to be mailed to the West Coast I can take a little more time on them. I've also started a little "selfish" knitting. I'm working on the Elfin Bride sweater pattern from DomiKNITrix. This is a mega uber involved pattern, and she only shows pictures in her book, cause it's 19 pages of regular paper to print it off. And to think I call this my "relaxation" knitting. I wrote about 2 years ago that I was gonna knit this, and now I finally have gotten around to it. Wheeeeeee!

When I'm out and about, knitting in public I can usually be found at a little coffee shop in Portage called Water Street. My knitting group meets up there, the Zombie Prom Date Knitters. A more awesome bunch of crazies you'd be hard to find. We're cool, you should come visit if you're in town.


Unknown said...

Very cute. I'm sure he'll love Nessie.

Girl Meets Needle said...

I really,really want that book now. Especially for that gorgeous sweater!

craftycrafter said...

the sweater pattern is actually a free one, through her website, if you have the password. Or she now sells it as well

Jerry said...

love the serpent, If we ever get in your part of the country we'll have to knit with your fun group.

Girl Meets Needle said...

Had to come back here because I thought that you should know...